Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Well, I eventually did it. Those who know me may well be amazed. I have overcome my own brain (good title, yeah, getit?), my lack of free will and general apathy/confusion etc, and started a Blog. Not that that is necessarily something to celebrate; as if there were not already enough monkeys typing away into the cyber-net-space, without me adding my own little squirt of warm gas to the cacophony. Furthermore, I doubt the content itself will provide any unique discoveries, illuminations or perspectives, based as it is on my going on quite a long holiday.

Ok, 'holiday' might not be quite the right word to describe a 7 month (why 7?) trip halfway across the world on a fairly meager budget. Many would describe such a journey in terms of 'voyages of discovery', or a 'search for enlightenment'. Ok, fine. But, ultimately the main difference is the duration. The idea that backpacking round the world (by train, I might add!) is necessarily a more noble or meaningful pursuit than a week in Pathos is simply a kind of travel-snobbery. Both are equally self indulgent. Nevertheless, I do hope that my mind is a least a little broadened (heaven knows it could use some exercise), and as a form atonement I intend to keep at least a some sort of threadbare record of my travels in the form of this web-log (or "Blog").

Seeing as I won't actually be leaving for another 6 weeks, for the time being, these memoirs will consist mainly of a record of my preparations, in exquisite detail. For example, today I bought a new rucksack. It is green with back straps and fetching grey piping, and is made by a manufacturer called 'Lowe-Alpine'. It was reduced by £15. See, fascinating isn't it? I bet you can't wait until tomorrow, when I might buy a mosquito net, or one of those torches you strap to your head.

But you'll have to wait...

P.S did anyone see "Hair Wars" last night on BBC 2? Brilliant!